
400 x 320

COOL ! check it out:


CLL colors

669922bg BLOGrgb (102, 153, 34)
88bb22bg SITErgb (136, 187, 34)
a5ec18bg CLL acid greenrgb (165, 236, 24)
92d50abg CLL menu divider rgb (146, 213, 10)
7dff00bg lesson/free day rgb (125, 255, 000)
ccff66 bg pale green rgb (204, 255, 102)
e1eec9 bg BLOG sidergb (225, 238, 201)
78a71ctext BLOG side dkrgb (120, 167, 28
476b18text SITE dark green rgb (71, 107, 24)
404040text strong rgb (64, 64, 64)
ff0000text red rgb (255, 000, 000)
ff6666text lighter redrgb (255, 102, 102)
ff4040text strong pink rgb (255, 64, 64)

to add: cll site: newsstand bg: eaf2e2, newsstand navbar bg: #ebebeb rgb(235,235,235), #232323 rgb(35,35,35); navbarARCHIVIO (mmryannet)
great color selector: by hue, saturation, brightness; rgb and hexadecimal
lots of swatches
w3 hex color picker

Spotlight !

NYTimes in laRepublica
8 pages of articles in English
click here.

Telling Time

Telling Time

Maira Kalman
New York Times blog
"And the Pursuit of Happiness"
click here.

Ercole Guidi
A great resource for books Online here.
( psst: use with care, and don't tell Mike.
This site has translations in Italian )

Telling Time

Telling Time

Telling Time
it's that time, it's that time!
click here.

Life Science
short quizzes about science.
click here.

Telling Time

Telling Time

Toy Store
vocabulary Slideshow with Carolina
click here.