Maira Kalman is an American illustrator, author, artist, and designer. Born in 1949 in Tel Aviv, Kalman currently lives in New York City where she came with her family at age 4.
She has authored a series of children's books about Max Stravinsky, the poet-dog. She is also well-known for her covers of 'The New Yorker' magazine. Ms. Kalman wrote the monthly illustrated blog 'The Principles of Uncertainty' for The New York Times ending in April 2007. The blog was published in a book of the same title. Kalman started a new illustrated blog for NYT on January 30, 2009, called 'And the Pursuit of Happiness'.
The following stories are take from those blogs.
A good place to start is with Cherubim and Seraphim or Finale.
"And the Pursuit of Happiness" 2009 June 25th, 2009
"Time Wastes Too Fast" link May 28th, 2009
"At Ease" link April 4th, 2009
"May It Please the Court" link March 26th, 2009
"So Moved" link February 26th, 2009
"In Love with A. Lincoln" link January 29th, 2009
"The Inauguration. At Last." link
"The Principles of Uncertainty" 2007 April 3rd, 2007
"Finale" link
this is a good, simple start March 6th, 2007
"One Thing Leads to Another" link February 6th, 2007
"The Impossibility of February" link January 2nd, 2007
"Completely" link
2006______________________________________________________ December 12th, 2006
"Ich Habe Genug" link November 1st, 2006
"Paris" link October 3rd, 2006
"Collecting Myself" link September 6th, 2006
"Still" link August 1st, 2006
"Heaven on Earth" link July 4th, 2006
"Cherubim and Seraphim" link
this is a good, simple start June 6th, 2006
"Celestial Harmony" link May 3rd, 2006
"Sorry, the Rest Unknown" link