669922 | bg BLOG | rgb (102, 153, 34) |
88bb22 | bg SITE | rgb (136, 187, 34) |
a5ec18 | bg CLL acid green | rgb (165, 236, 24) |
92d50a | bg CLL menu divider | rgb (146, 213, 10) |
7dff00 | bg lesson/free day | rgb (125, 255, 000) |
ccff66 | bg pale green | rgb (204, 255, 102) |
e1eec9 | bg BLOG side | rgb (225, 238, 201) |
78a71c | text BLOG side dk | rgb (120, 167, 28 |
476b18 | text SITE dark green | rgb (71, 107, 24) |
404040 | text strong | rgb (64, 64, 64) |
ff0000 | text red | rgb (255, 000, 000) |
ff6666 | text lighter red | rgb (255, 102, 102) |
ff4040 | text strong pink | rgb (255, 64, 64) |
to add: cll site: newsstand bg: eaf2e2, newsstand navbar bg: #ebebeb rgb(235,235,235), #232323 rgb(35,35,35); navbarARCHIVIO (mmryannet)
- great color selector: by hue, saturation, brightness; rgb and hexadecimal
- Swatches
- lots of swatches
- w3 hex color picker