(?maybe?) "schianto" comes from "smashing" (Brit. E slang)
Smashing - If something is smashing, it means it is terrific
< http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/smash
smash (plural smashes)
- The sound of a violent impact, to strike violently.
- (colloquial, entertainment) Something very successful.
- This new show of mine is sure to be a smash.
smashing /ˈsmæʃɪŋ/aggettivo
be colloq. favoloso, fantastico.
http://www.wordreference.com/definition/smashing smashing/ˈsmaʃɪŋ/
▶adjectiveBrit. informal excellent; wonderful.
– derivatives
smashingly adverb.
– origin C18 (as n.): prob. imitative, representing a blend of words such as smack, smite with bash, mash, etc.
smashingly adverb.
– origin C18 (as n.): prob. imitative, representing a blend of words such as smack, smite with bash, mash, etc.
extremely good, attractive, enjoyable or pleasant
There's a smashing view from her office.
Jonathan would make a smashing dad.
He looks smashing in his dinner suit.