group one _ Session 9

Thursday, June 11th, 6:30pm

Warm Up
the "Bickersons,"
website, sitcom video
video (poor audio), video, youtube channel,

Review in general.
specifically: 'have to' 'got to' 'must'
'to have' 'got'
'to get'
The Articles: the, a, an

Reading, Listening, Conversation
"An SM/MM free-for-all"
- or -
"The Art of Travel" by Alain Boton
(warning: british -vs- american English)
introduction, listen: "On Anticipation", "Extract", Watch, Note at WordPress
- or -
more William Blake, a critical review
- or -
"Abroad" by Thomas Crane. A childrens' travel story set in Victorian England. flip book, description

Ideas for the Eno cards applicable to CLL.
such as ideas, words, phrases from your personal Vocabulary sheets
and from

whenever you're ready
the best, open resource I've found yet link
grammar, vocabulary, quizzes, tests, games
